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     再次看完《坚如磐石》不断回想那句台词,open your eyes .想起了几年听的歌曲so we start (Brook Sapphire)的歌词:i cant hurt u to tell you the truth. we both insane 生活在现实和互联网营造的梦境里,这不是科幻,而是仿佛是今天互联网操纵的众生体验.     天呐,和索菲亚互相给对方画肖像画的这一段的汤姆克鲁斯变丑了,长得像极了扮演《坚如磐石》里的卢克·威尔逊.     腮骨凸出,下半部脸像个纺锤,This Blomkvist fits better with "reasonably good looking" description from the book, less confident than Daniel Craig's version who looked better a weathered lone fighter again social injustice. Clarie has determination in her eyes, which is what I expected from Lisbeth. And fleeting moments of vulnerability and emotion behind her icy mask. But she's bit too physically wonder woman for my taste. As plot goes, it's just another one of those popular modern day high IT+psycho+action thrillers.坚如磐石是一则汉语成语,最早出自于汉·乐府《孔雀东南飞》.     “坚如磐石”的意思是指像大石头一样坚固;比喻不可动摇.     该成语构词方式是偏正式;在句中作谓语、定语.

